President's Message

Smt. Vishalakshi S
Educationist & Social Worker
It is with great pleasure I write to you about our organization WOMENS’ PEACE LEAGUE.
Womens league signifies that it is an organization established by women, managed by women, staff of the school consists mostly of women. In short, it is an women’s enterprise. It is therefore befitting to be called Womens’ league.
Peace signifies to educate the children from their earliest years in the school in the cause of peace and understanding amongst peoples. It is not just in the classrooms that the ideas of peace can be installed in the minds of children but also through purposeful activities in which cooperation on the part of the children becomes a natural necessity. Through co-operation, friendship grows and through friendship comes peace.
It is unique is many ways: It has a unique name—WOMENS’ PEACE LEAGUE.
Single Management committee:
There is only one committee from the time of its inception i.e., from 70 years. Members are changing within the committee, but the aim and objective remains unchanged i.e., to provide excellent facilities for the overall development of the child. We intend to give good education for their bright future and all-round development. The dedication and commitment of members of the Managing Committee plays an important role in the development of the school. Along with this we receive co-operation and dedication of all the teaching and non-teaching staff.
This organization is almost self-reliant:
In the sense that it has developed from being in a rented accommodation with just 15 students to owning its own building in the prime locality and catering to educating almost 700 students every year.
Along with all these aspects, we have also added up providing value-based education to all the needy students by helping them not just in school but also in their life as well. We also have vocational courses like tailoring, computer software, computer hardware etc. for children who find it difficult to pursue education due to various family problems.
On the whole I assure you all that your children shall be taken best care in our school.
Smt. Vishalakshi S