Our School has received the Best Managing Committee Award from Aided School Association in the year 2009-10 and National Suvarna
Vidhyashree Rathna Award from World Academy of Science, Humanities,Education & Literature(WASHEL)
for the year 2012 for excellence in Environment, Social Work, Education & Health.
Smt.B.S. Girija
Our late Head Mistress has received prestigious awards both in state and national levels from Mr. Giani Zail Singh, President of India.

Mr. Shivaram
Our Physical Education teacher has a series of awards to his credit—Best Physical Education Teacher at Zonal, Taluk and District level, Kempegowda Award and Best Commander Award etc.

Our Students Achievements
- Kum. Bhuvaneshwari received the prize from President of India.
- Kum.Geetha Nandini received the prize from our President Giani Zail Singh
- Kum.Savitha Murthy bought honour to the school and to the Karnataka State by securing the National Science Seminar I Prize.